Going back through my blog, I found my 2020 post which included updates about a new job, travelling plans for the year and high aspirations for a brilliantly exciting year ahead..little did I know last February!
I managed to travel for 4 weeks in Singapore and Bali, only having to end things a little early to get on a flight home before the borders closed. The new job started in January never really came to fruition due to there, heartbreakingly, being no weddings to host or plan all summer and the exciting year ahead did not take the route that we were all expecting or hoping for.
I know I'm a little late into January to be posting about the New Year, but I think if 2020 taught us anything then it's that reflection is key and adapting to a new pace of life is one of the most important things I did last year.
Despite drastic changes to plans, socialising, visiting family and general day to day life, there were positives to 2020 too. The first lockdown came as a huge shock just 3 days after coming back from Bali and it's safe to say the first few weeks were a struggle to adjust to.
Having to think about the fact that my job didn't really exist any more led me into choosing to start a degree (4 years after all my friends took that path!) and I can honestly say I couldn't be happier in the decision that I made. I'm studying Developmental Psychology at UEA so still in Norwich with an amazing group of people around me and for that I still firmly believe that everything happens for a reason.
On the back of this, came a lot of baking! Baking is and always has been a little slice of zen in my life and something that I will continuously turn to if I need a time out from the madness of the world or the news. This certainly gave me plenty of time in 2020 to practice new bakes, perfect current recipes and deliver cakes to neighbours and friends when my parents and I couldn't physically eat another slice in a day - don't worry, we put our backs into it!
Virtual baking sessions over FaceTime became a regular Sunday feature and it's amazing how quickly something begins to feel normal. My friends will laugh at me because of this, but I would send daily video updates of what I'd been up to (usually a walk and a lot of time at home!) but, they would see all the cakes that I'd been baking too. Most were pretty standard and just for the home comfort of a baked good, but there were a few lockdown birthday's that had a lot of time dedicated to their bakes which I loved being able to spend the time doing.
I'm determined to carry this through into 2021. Although some would argue that eating cake everyday isn't the best idea for your health, everything in balance is ok and I'll be sure to continue dropping them off to friends, family and neighbours who are always extremely appreciative. It's not even necessarily the eating of the cake that I love the most (don't get me wrong, it's a close contender!) but simply spending the time in the kitchen, focussing on a new recipe and seeing the end product be enjoyed.
My 2020 entry post was something to hold me accountable to carry on baking and posting, and really this is just a reflection of the last year with the same intention. I love it, hope you do too, and can't wait to carry on over the next (hopefully more positive!) year.
A few of my favourite birthday bakes from 2020!
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